The Central Board of Secondary Education (abbreviated as CBSE) is a Board of Education for public
and private schools, under the Union Government of India. CBSE conducts the final examinations for
Class 10 and Class 12. It is a child centered and holistic education program that prepares students for
college life and beyond. It is also an internationally recognized and accepted qualification for entry
into higher education.
The CBSE provides a holistic approach to learning using innovate methods to develop both disciplinary
and interdisciplinary understanding. In addition to academic excellence, it encourages independent
learning, inquiry, risk-taking, caring, open-mindedness and intercultural understanding. It strives to
adapt and innovate methods to achieve academic excellence in conformity with psychological, pedagogical and social principles.
Program Overview
 Curriculum. The curriculum is made up of 5 learning areas, consisting of language; social science; mathematics and technology; science; and physical education, performing arts and
visual arts.
 5 Learning Areas. Five learning areas are represented as the five petals which intersect in a trans-disciplinary approach across various dimensions. The curriculum exposes the student to both depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding.

  1. Languages. The language curriculum aims to develop the skills of listening, speaking,
    reading and writing in a variety of contexts and train students to be able to adapt language to suit different tasks, audiences and purposes. It aims to develop confidence in the students so that they can use their skills and abilities effectively. Students study two languages at classes IX and X. However, they do have the opportunity to study an additional language.
  2. Social Science. The social science curriculum aims to develop in students an understanding and evaluation of the social, political, economic and environmental dimensions of the world, and helps them formulate and justify arguments in response to a diverse range of issues.
  3. Mathematics and Technology. The mathematics and technology curriculum helps
    students develop strategies that improve their logical thinking and analytical ability. It helps to develop the ability to approximate and estimate, to use trial and improvement techniques, look for patterns and make hypothesis. It helps in development of computational skills and spatial intelligences. Information and Communication Technology help students assess the impact of new technologies on society and train them to use these productively.
  1. Science. Science is studied as individual disciplines of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The Science curriculum offers students the opportunity to be curious, to question, to investigate, to formulate hypothesis, design and carry out experiments, make critical observations and record results.
  2. Physical Education, Performing Arts and Visual Arts. These offer opportunities for the
    development of imagination, sense of aesthetics, sensitivity and inventiveness – all of which are the requirements of a balanced curriculum

What is the importance of CBSE Board?

  • With a centralised education system which is being controlled by one apex body, CBSE maintains uniformity among all its students across India.
  • A certificate from the Central Board of Secondary Education is recognized throughout the country, in all colleges and academic centres. 
  • CBSE’s education structure allows you to study rigorously and develop skills at the same time.
  • CBSE follows a compact structure which makes the CBSE syllabus easier than that of other boards.
  • It provides basic and general knowledge required for a child to move forward in terms of education.
  • When it comes to crack the important engineering and medical entrance exams after class 12th, CBSE students get an edge over others as the most of these exams are based on the CBSE syllabus.
  • It online education platform is a boon for those who can’t afford books or private tuitions. They can easily get online study material and free advice from experienced teachers.
  • CBSE board being recognised worldwide, it becomes easier for students to go abroad and pursue their studies from foreign universities.

What are the various objectives of CBSE Board?

  • To prescribe conditions of examinations and conduct public examinations at the end of Class 10 and Class 12
  • To grant qualifying certificates to successful candidates of the affiliated schools
  • To fulfil the educational requirements of those students whose parents are employed in transferable jobs
  • To foster a variety of academic and non-academic knowledge, skills and abilities, which may help students in successful transition from high school to college life
  • To prescribe and update the course of instructions of examinations
  • To affiliate institutions for the purpose of examination and uplifting the academic standards of the country.

What are CBSE’s prime areas of focus?

  • Devising a student friendly study pattern by introducing effective innovations in teaching and learning methodologies.
  • Improvement in examinations and evaluation processes to deliver fair results.
  • Promote the skill learning among students by adding job-oriented inputs.
  • Conducting various service training programmes and workshops on regular basis so as to update the instructive skills of the teachers and administrators. 

We can say that CBSE is a learning experience which works with a vision of the overall development of a student by synchronizing its academics with various extra-curricular activities which may enhance the student’s skill set.