English and Maths tuition

Explore in Center

Visit our center every week for in-person tuition in a vibrant, small group environment.

Register Yourself!

Explore at Home

Meet your tutor for a tailored one-to-one
online session from the comfort of your
own home.

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Explore it All

Enjoy the best of both services
with a combination of in-center
and online sessions.

Register Yourself

Our Pricing Plan

Explore in Centre

2 x scheduled sessions per week in centre

Personalised feedback and online Parent’s Meetings

Explore at Home

1 x one-to-one online tutored session per week

Personalised feedback from your management team upon request

Explore It All

1 x scheduled session per week in centre AND

1x one-to-one online tutored session per week

Personalised feedback from your management team upon request

Our Opening Hours

  • Sunday-Monday


  • Tuesday – Thursday


  • Friday


  • Saturday


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