Why Choose Us?

SubjectWiz is more than just maths and English tuition.

Mapped to the school curriculum, we ensure every child can progress academically but also develop socially, improving their attitude towards learning.

When looking for extra tuition, there are lots of options out there. It can be a challenge to choose the approach which is right for your child, at a price which doesn’t break the bank.
At SubjectWiz we offer membership packages to suit every learner. From our members who love visiting our learning centres, to those who prefer to do work online with Explore at Home; our families love us because they feel safe in the knowledge that we are committed to getting it right for every child, every time.
Quite simply, our membership offers families great support and variety at great value.

How do our current members feel?

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We’re more than maths and English tuition

At Subject Wiz we have a proven record of enabling children of all abilities to excel academically.
But more than that, we bring learning to life. Our support has always gone beyond a quick win with spelling or moving up a set in maths. Tackling such skills is important, but to enable children to really thrive in school and beyond, we focus on developing children’s learning attitudes.